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职场进阶: https://dukeweb3.com

1. graph node搭建相关

  1. clone graph-node

    git clone git@github.com:graphprotocol/graph-node.git
  2. accessing Docker directory of the graph node

    cd graph-node/docker
  3. Replacing host IP(Linux only)

  4. starting the local graph node

    docker-compose up
  5. accessing

    cd  <you-subgraph>
    graph codegen
    graph build
  6. create subgraph

    npm run create-local
  7. deploy

    npm run deploy-local

2. host service搭建相关

  1. 安装graph命令

    npm install -g @graphprotocol/graph-cli
  2. 场景一:合约已经部署&verify,准备生成subgraph

    graph init \
      --product hosted-service
      --from-contract <CONTRACT_ADDRESS> \
  3. 场景二:获取官方demo

    graph init --from-example --product hosted-service <GITHUB_USER>/<SUBGRAPH_NAME> [<DIRECTORY>]
  4. auth

    graph auth --product hosted-service <AuthKey>
  5. 生成&编译

    graph codegen
    graph build

3. Studio方式搭建(去中心化)