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  1. fallback是特殊的函数,无参数,无返回值;
  2. 何时会被调用:
    1. 当被调用的方法不存在时,fallback会被调用,属于default函数;
    2. 当向合约转ether但是合约不存在receive函数时;
    3. 当向合约转ether但是msg.data不为空时。(即使receive存在)
  3. 当使用transfer或者send对合约进行转账时,fallback函数的gaslimit限定为2300 gas
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.13;

contract Fallback {
    event Log(uint gas);

    // Fallback function must be declared as external.
    fallback() external payable {
        // send / transfer (forwards 2300 gas to this fallback function)
        // call (forwards all of the gas)
        emit Log(gasleft());

    // Helper function to check the balance of this contract
    function getBalance() public view returns (uint) {
        return address(this).balance;

contract SendToFallback {
    function transferToFallback(address payable _to) public payable {
          // Log event:  "gas": "2254"

    function callFallback(address payable _to) public payable {
        // Log event:  "gas": "6110"
        (bool sent, ) = _to.call{value: msg.value}("");
        require(sent, "Failed to send Ether");

     function callNoExistFunc(address payable _to) public payable {
        // call no exist funtion will call fallback by default 
        // Log event:  "gas": "5146"
        (bool sent, ) = _to.call{value: msg.value}(abi.encodeWithSignature("noExistFunc()"));
        require(sent, "Failed to call");