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  1. 构造函数是可选的,在部署合约时会自动被调用
  2. 在合约继承的时候,如果父合约有构造函数,则需要显示的对父合约进行构造
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.13;

// Base contract X
contract X {
    string public name;

    constructor(string memory _name) {
        name = _name;

// Base contract Y
contract Y {
    string public text;

    constructor(string memory _text) {
        text = _text;

// There are 2 ways to initialize parent contract with parameters.

// 1. Pass the parameters here in the inheritance list.
contract B is X("Input to X"), Y("Input to Y") {


contract C is X, Y {
    // 2. Pass the parameters here in the constructor,
    // similar to function modifiers.
    constructor(string memory _name, string memory _text) X(_name) Y(_text) {}

// Parent constructors are always called in the order of inheritance
// regardless of the order of parent contracts listed in the
// constructor of the child contract.

// 构造顺序取决于继承顺序(由左至右),而不是实例化顺序
// Order of constructors called:
// 1. X
// 2. Y
// 3. D
contract D is X, Y {
    constructor() X("X was called") Y("Y was called") {}

// Order of constructors called:
// 1. X
// 2. Y
// 3. E
contract E is X, Y {
    constructor() Y("Y was called") X("X was called") {}