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  1. 状态变量无法进行重写,只能继承父类状态变量
  2. 但是可以通过在子合约的构造函数中进行覆盖,从而达到重写目的
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.13;

contract A {
    string public name = "Contract A";

    function getName() public view returns (string memory) {
        return name;

// Shadowing is disallowed in Solidity 0.6
// This will not compile
// contract B is A {
//     string public name = "Contract B";
// }

contract C is A {
    // This is the correct way to override inherited state variables.
    constructor() {
        name = "Contract C";

    // C.getName returns "Contract C"