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  1. 使用calldata替换memory
  2. 将状态变量加载到memory中
  3. 使用++i替换i++
  4. 对变量进行缓存
  5. 短路效应
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.13;

// gas golf
contract GasGolf {
    // start - 50908 gas
    // use calldata - 49163 gas
    // load state variables to memory - 48952 gas
    // short circuit - 48634 gas
    // loop increments - 48244 gas
    // cache array length - 48209 gas
    // load array elements to memory - 48047 gas

    uint public total;

    // start - not gas optimized
    // function sumIfEvenAndLessThan99(uint[] memory nums) external {
    //     for (uint i = 0; i < nums.length; i += 1) {
    //         bool isEven = nums[i] % 2 == 0;
    //         bool isLessThan99 = nums[i] < 99;
    //         if (isEven && isLessThan99) {
    //             total += nums[i];
    //         }
    //     }
    // }

    // gas optimized
    // [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 100]
    function sumIfEvenAndLessThan99(uint[] calldata nums) external {
        uint _total = total;
        uint len = nums.length;

        for (uint i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
            uint num = nums[i];
            if (num % 2 == 0 && num < 99) {
                _total += num;

        total = _total;



  1. 调用合约
  2. 部署合约


  1. Minimize on-chain data (events, IPFS, stateless contracts, merkle proofs) -> 优化链上存储
  2. Minimize on-chain operations (strings, return storage value, looping, local storage, batching) -> 优化链上操作
  3. Memory Locations (calldata, stack, memory, storage) -> 数据位置的选择
  4. Variables ordering -> 变量的定义顺序很重要
  5. Preferred data types -> 数据类型的选择
  6. Libraries (embedded, deploy) -> 尽量使用库来减少部署gas
  7. Minimal Proxy -> 使用clone方式创建新合约
  8. Constructor -> 优化构造函数(尽量使用constant)
  9. Contract size (messages, modifiers, functions) -> 优化合约size
  10. Solidity compiler optimizer -> 开启优化中

1. Minimize on-chain data

  • Event:如果链上合约不需要调用的数据,可以使用event,由链下监听,提供只读操作;
  • IPFS:大数据可以上传到ipfs,然后将对应的id存储在链上;
  • 无状态合约:如果只是为了存储key-value,那么在合约中不需要状态变量存储,而是仅仅通过参数记录,让链下程序去解析交易,读取参数,从而读取到key-value数据;
  • 默克尔根(Merkle Proofs):快速验证数据,合约不用存储太多内容。

2. Minimize on-chain operations

  • string:string内在也是bytes,尽量使用bytes替代,可以减少EVM计算,减少gas消耗;
  • 返回storage值:直接返回storage如果有必要的话,具体内部数据,让链下程序解析;
  • Local Storage:使用local storage变量,可节约开销,不要使用memory进行copy一遍操作;
  • Batching(批量操作):如果有批量操作需要,可以提供相应接口,避免用户发起相同交易。

3. Memory locations

四种存储位置gas消耗(由低到高):calldata -> stack -> memory -> storage.

  • Calldata:一般用在参数中,修饰引用数据类型(array、string),限定external function,尽量使用,便宜;
  • Memory:对于存储引用类型的数据时,完全拷贝(你没有看错,反而更便宜)比storage便宜;
  • Storage:最贵,非必要,不使用。
  • Stack:函数体中值类型的数据,自动修饰为stack类型;

4. Variables ordering

  • Storage slots(槽)大小是32字节,但并不是所有的类型都能填满(bool,int8等);
  • 调整顺序,可以优化storage使用空间:
    • uint128、uint128、uint256,一共使用两个槽位(good)✅
    • uint128、uint256、uint128,一共使用三个槽位(bad)❌

5. Preferred data types

  • 如果定义变量的类型原本可以填满整个槽位,那么就填满ta,而不要使用更短的数据类型。
  • 例如:如果定义数据类型:datatype:uint8,但是opcode原则上是处理:uint256的,那么会对空余部分填充:0,这反而会增加evm对gas的开销,所以更好的方法是:直接定义datatype为:uint256。

6. Libraries


  • Embedded Libraries:当lib中的方法都是internal的时候,会自动内联到合约中,此时对节约gas不起作用;
  • Deployed Libraries:当lib中有public或external方法时,此时会单独部署lib合约,我们可以使用一个lib地址关联到不同合约来达到节约gas的目的。

7. Minimal Proxies (ERC 1167)

  • 这是一个标准,用于clone合约
  • openzeppelin合约中clone就源于此

8. Constructor

  • 构造函数中可以传递immutable数据,如果可能,尽量使用constant,这样开销更小。

9. Contract Size

  • 合约最大支持24K
  • 减少Logs/ Message:require后面的des,event的使用,都影响合约size
  • 使用opcode:这个看情况而定,opcode可能减少部署开销,却引来调用开销的增加。
  • 修饰器Modifier:modifer中wrapped一个函数,在函数中实现具体逻辑 // TODO

10. Solidity compiler optimizer

  • 开启编译器optimize,这个是有双面性的,一定会使得合约size变小;

  • 但是可能会使部分函数的逻辑变复杂(code bigger),增加函数的执行开销。

Solidity Gas Optimizations Tricks

1. 使用最新版本solidity


2. for循环优化

// 避免重复计算长度
uint length = arr.length;
// ++i 可以减少一次赋值,初始化i放在for里面
for (uint i; i < length;) {
      // unchecked可以减少溢出校验
    unchecked { ++i; }

3. 使用calldata代替memory



4. 尽量使用immutable代替state variable

EIP-2929 对slot的操作引入了cold slot(消耗2100 gas)和warm slot(消耗100 gas)的概念,但是依然很贵,而修饰为immutable的变量会保存在bytecode中,使用时使用的是push,仅消耗3gas

5. 使用immutable代替constant(计算keccak时)

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.9;

contract Immutables is AccessControl {
    uint256 public gas;
    bytes32 public immutable MANAGER_ROLE_IMMUT;

      // 每次使用都需要重新计算hash值
    bytes32 public constant MANAGER_ROLE_CONST = keccak256('MANAGER_ROLE');

        // 仅在构造时计算hash一次
        MANAGER_ROLE_IMMUT = keccak256('MANAGER_ROLE');
        _setupRole(MANAGER_ROLE_CONST, msg.sender);
        _setupRole(MANAGER_ROLE_IMMUT, msg.sender);

    function immutableCheck() external {
        gas = gasleft();
        require(hasRole(MANAGER_ROLE_IMMUT, msg.sender), 'Caller is not in manager role'); // 24408 gas
        gas -= gasleft();

    function constantCheck() external {
        gas = gasleft();
        require(hasRole(MANAGER_ROLE_CONST, msg.sender), 'Caller is not in manager role'); // 24419 gas
        gas -= gasleft();

6. 使用modifier代替function


// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.9;

contract Inlined {
    function isNotExpired(bool _true) internal view {
        require(_true == true, "Exchange: EXPIRED");

    function foo(bool _test) public returns(uint) {
        return 1;

contract Modifier {
    modifier isNotExpired(bool _true) {
        require(_true == true, "Exchange: EXPIRED");

    function foo(bool _test) public isNotExpired(_test)returns(uint) {
        return 1;

7. modifier中使用internal函数减少合约size

尽量将modifier中的条件判断逻辑写在单独的internal view函数中,可以减少合约size,从而减少gas消耗。


pragma solidity ^0.8.10;

contract Context {
    function _msgSender() internal view returns(address) {
        return msg.sender;

contract Ownable is Context {
    address public owner = _msgSender();

    modifier onlyOwner() {
        require(owner == _msgSender(), "Ownable: caller is not the owner");
contract Ownable2 is Context {
    address public owner = _msgSender();

    modifier onlyOwner() {

    function _checkOwner() internal view virtual {
        require(owner == _msgSender(), "Ownable: caller is not the owner");
// This is deployment gas cost for each function
// 0: 107172
// 1: 145772
// 2: 181610
// 3: 198170
// 4: 214532
// 5: 241059
contract T1 is Ownable {
    event Call(bytes4 selector);
    function f0() external onlyOwner() { emit Call(this.f0.selector); }
    function f1() external onlyOwner() { emit Call(this.f1.selector); }
    function f2() external onlyOwner() { emit Call(this.f2.selector); }
    function f3() external onlyOwner() { emit Call(this.f3.selector); }
    function f4() external onlyOwner() { emit Call(this.f4.selector); }
// 0: 107172
// 1: 147908
// 2: 165818
// 3: 183506
// 4: 192500
// 5: 211682
contract T2 is Ownable2 {
    event Call(bytes4 selector);
    function f0() external onlyOwner() { emit Call(this.f0.selector); }
    function f1() external onlyOwner() { emit Call(this.f1.selector); }
    function f2() external onlyOwner() { emit Call(this.f2.selector); }
    function f3() external onlyOwner() { emit Call(this.f3.selector); }
    function f4() external onlyOwner() { emit Call(this.f4.selector); }



8. >= is cheaper than >


Non-strict inequalities (>=) are cheaper than strict ones (>). This is due to some supplementary checks (ISZERO, 3 gas)).

uint256 public gas;

function checkStrict() external {
    gas = gasleft();
    require(999999999999999999 > 1); // gas 5017
    gas -= gasleft();
function checkNonStrict() external {
    gas = gasleft();
    require(999999999999999999 >= 1); // gas 5006
    gas -= gasleft(); 

9. 使用SHR和SHL来代替乘除法


10. 使用多个require代替使用&&

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.9;
import "hardhat/console.sol";

contract Requires {
    uint256 public gas;

    function check1(uint x) public {
        gas = gasleft();  
        require(x == 0 && x < 1 ); // gas cost 22156
        gas -= gasleft();

    function check2(uint x) public {
        gas = gasleft(); 
        require(x == 0); // gas cost 22148
        require(x < 1);
        gas -= gasleft();

11.使用自定义error代替revert("err info")



12. public/private/internal/external等

在调用层面,四个修饰符gas fee没有不同之处


13. 对状态变量进行caching节约gas



MLOAD:3 gas

14. 对结构体格外注意

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.9;
import "hardhat/console.sol";

contract Requires {
    event Unlock(address _sender, uint256 _nftIndex, uint256 _amt);

    // struct LockPosition use 3 slots
    mapping(uint256 => LockPosition) positions;

    struct LockPosition {
        address owner;
        uint256 unlockAt;
        uint256 lockAmount;

    function unlock(uint256 _nftIndex) external {
        // 3 SLOADs and 3 MSTORES
        // 从storage读取三个变量,并且复制到memory中
        LockPosition memory position = positions[_nftIndex]; // gas: costing 3 SLOADs while only lockAmount is needed twice. 

        //Replace "memory" with "storage" and cache only position.lockAmount
        require(position.owner == msg.sender, "unauthorized");
        require(position.unlockAt <= block.timestamp, "locked");

        delete positions[_nftIndex];

        emit Unlock(msg.sender, _nftIndex, position.lockAmount);

     function unlockOptimize(uint256 _nftIndex) external {
        LockPosition storage position = positions[_nftIndex]; 

        uint256 amt = position.lockAmount;

        //Replace "memory" with "storage" and cache only position.lockAmount
        require(position.owner == msg.sender, "unauthorized");
        require(position.unlockAt <= block.timestamp, "locked");

        delete positions[_nftIndex];

        emit Unlock(msg.sender, _nftIndex, amt);

15. 复用非零值的状态变量更节约gas

Writing to an Existing Storage Slot Is Cheaper Than Using a New One


EIP — 2200 changed a lot with gas, and now if you hold 1 Wei of a token it’s cheaper to use the token than if you hold 0. There is a lot to unpack here so just google EIP 2200 and learn if you want, but in general, if you need to use a storage slot, don’t empty it if you plan to refill it later.


  1. https://medium.com/coinmonks/smart-contracts-gas-optimization-techniques-2bd07add0e86
  2. https://www.alchemy.com/overviews/solidity-gas-optimization
  3. https://medium.com/better-programming/solidity-gas-optimizations-and-tricks-2bcee0f9f1f2