第8节:Send Ether(transfer、send、call)

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  1. transfer(2300 gas, throw error)
  2. send(2300 gas,return bool)
  3. call(传递交易剩余的gas或设置gas,不限定2300gas,return bool)(推荐使用)

总结:transfer() 和 send() 函数使用 2300 gas 以防止重入攻击,但公链升级后可能导致 gas 不足。所以推荐使用 call() 函数,但需做好重入攻击防护。



  1. receive() external payable:msg.data为空时调用(为接收ether而生,仅solidity 0.6版本之后)
  2. fallback() external payable:msg.data非空时调用(为执行default逻辑而生,顺便支持接收ether
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.13;

contract ReceiveEther {
    Which function is called, fallback() or receive()?

                sender ether
             msg.data is empty?
                /       \
            yes          no
             /             \
      receive() exist?     fallback()
          /    \
        yes     no
       /          \
  receive()     fallback()

    string public message;

    // Function to receive Ether. msg.data must be empty
    receive() external payable {
        message = "receive called!";

    // Fallback function is called when msg.data is not empty
    fallback() external payable {
        message = "fallback called!";

    function getBalance() public view returns (uint) {
        return address(this).balance;

    function setMsg(string memory _msg) public {
        message = _msg;

contract SendEther {
    function sendViaTransfer(address payable _to) public payable {
        // This function is no longer recommended for sending Ether. (不建议使用)

    function sendViaSend(address payable _to) public payable {
        // Send returns a boolean value indicating success or failure.
        // This function is not recommended for sending Ether. (不建议使用)
        bool sent = _to.send(msg.value);
        require(sent, "Failed to send Ether");

    function sendViaCallFallback(address payable _to) public payable {
        // Call returns a boolean value indicating success or failure.
        // This is the current recommended method to use. (推荐使用)
        (bool sent, bytes memory data) = _to.call{value: msg.value}(abi.encodeWithSignature("noExistFuncTest()"));
        require(sent, "Failed to send Ether");

    function sendViaCallReceive(address payable _to) public payable {
        // Call returns a boolean value indicating success or failure.
        // This is the current recommended method to use.(推荐使用)
        (bool sent, bytes memory data) = _to.call{value: msg.value}("");
        require(sent, "Failed to send Ether");


  • 调用sendViaTransfer或sendViaSend的时候,假设构造这笔交易时,你传入的gas时:1000000 gas


  • sendViaCall的时候,假设构造这笔交易时,你传入的gas时:1000000 gas 此时在调用call的时候,也可以完成转账,但是会把1000000传递给fallback,即在fallback中你可以实现自己复杂的逻辑。
