第9节: delegatecall

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  1. 当A合约使用delegatecall调用B合约的方法时,B合约的代码被执行,但是使用的是A合约的上下文,包括A合约的状态变量,msg.sender,msg.value等;
  2. 使用delegatecall的前提是:A合约和B合约有相同的状态变量。


// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.13;

contract Implementation {
    // NOTE: storage layout must be the same as contract A
    uint public num;
    address public sender;
    uint public value;

    function setVars(uint _num) public payable {
        num = _num;
        sender = msg.sender;
        value = msg.value;

// 注意:执行后,Proxy中的sender值为EOA的地址,而不是A合约的地址  (调用链EOA-> Proxy::setVars -> Implementation::setVars)
contract Proxy {
    uint public num;
    address public sender;
    uint public value;

    function setVars(address _impl, uint _num) public payable {
        // Proxy's storage is set, Implementation is not modified.
        (bool success, bytes memory data) = _impl.delegatecall(
            abi.encodeWithSignature("setVars(uint256)", _num)